Cookie Policy

At MiTEQ we want to ensure our website is effective and user friendly, ensuring you find the information you are looking for and can contact us when you need to. Our Cookie Policy will explain what cookies are and how use them. For more information about how we manage and care for your data, please visit our privacy policy.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that collect and store small pieces of information to help improve your online experience, such as your IP address. Cookies allow us to make the website more efficient and relevant to each of our customers.    

What types of cookies do we use?

Necessary cookies – these allow us to offer the best possible experience when you visit our website. For example, these cookies let us recognize which areas of the website you have previously visited and suggest relevant areas of content. 

Functional cookies – these allow us to operate the site in accordance with the choices you make.

Analytical cookies – enable us and third-party services to collect aggregated data for statistical purposes on how you, and our other visitors, use the website. These cookies do not contain personal information such as names.

How to manage your cookie settings

If you want to restrict or block the cookies that are set by our website, you can do so through your web browser settings, please be aware that by blocking all cookies you may not be able to access or use all of the features and personalisation on our website.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our Cookie Policy, please email us on